Welcome Enzo Ray Jose!
Yesterday, November 15, 2016, will go down as one of the happiest days of our lives! May we present to you, our son, Enzo Ray Jose Canant!
Philip and I are overjoyed to welcome this little (big) man into our family. We have prayed and hoped for him for so long. God has been extremely gracious and abundantly loving to us. He has entrusted us with a third miracle and we can't give Him enough praise!
To celebrate and honor our sweet Enzo, we will be donating to our local pregnancy care center. Our newsfeeds have been filled with more than enough negativity lately, but we remain hopeful and steadfast on God's promises and we revel in the beauty and sanctity of human life. There's nothing more powerful than seeing God's creative hand at work through the birth of new life, and we believe that every human life deserves to have that chance. So if you feel led to, we invite you to give with us, donating to your local pregnancy care center.
Thank you for celebrating this beautiful time with us!
Overjoyed padres,
Philip & Erica Canant