Hello 2016 Blogosphere!
Marriage, Motherhood, Uncategorized, Work LifeErica Canantblog, blogging, Christianity, christians, creative, creative director, Dream, dreaming, editor, encouragement, family, fun, graphics, graphics design, hope, kids, live creatively, love, marriage, new year, publishing, support, unruly, wordpress, writer
Get Chic Done! How to Create Your Office Space for $100 or Less.
DIY, MotherhoodErica Canantchic, create, creative space, diy, family, fringe, gold, hobby lobby, home office, how-to, ikea, kids, lace, live creatively, momma, my space, office, pinterest, save, savings, soft pink, spray paint, stay at home mom, under $100, white, woman cave, work at home, work from home, write, writer
Be Bold. Be Balanced. But Above All, Be With Jesus.
Choose Life, Devotions, Marriage, Motherhood, UncategorizedErica Canantactivist, babies, be balanced, be bold, defund planned parenthood, fatherhood, hope, jesus, life, love, motherhood, movement, my generation, planned parenthood, ppsellsbabyparts, pro-life, protest, rally, taking a stand
Vietnamese Fish Tacos with Quick-Pickled Carrots
The Ghost Grid of California City
The Anatomy Of A 'Vogue' Wedding