This one's for the girls....and the boys :)

What a beautiful Thursday it is!

Insecurity--it creeps up on each of us at some point, especially for myself. To be transparent with you all, I have struggled with the issue of self-esteem and body image most of my life. In fact, this very issue has resurfaced over the past week, but God put a special word on my heart.
I can't help but hum the Martina McBride song, This One's for the Girls while I write this out. And as I really think about the lyrics to that song, I realize how important this message truly is to every girl....and guy. So what's the message? The message is that God has instructions on how He wants each of His precious daughters to present themselves. He has it clearly written out for you and for me. Whew! What a relief that is! Because in the day and age we are in now, so much pressure is placed on our appearance as ladies and on what guys expect of us. But we have to remember that these are the world's standards and not God's.
So where are these hand-dandy written instructions? Well, as I have been venturing through the book of Ruth with my mentee, Miranda, we found ourselves studying one part of a single verse for our entire time together. Something clicked in me as I read the instructions Naomi gives to Ruth. Now if you are not familiar with the story of Ruth, I highly encourage you to read this beautiful Old Testament story. In chapter 3 verse 3 of the NKJV, Naomi tells Ruth the following, "Therefore wash yourself and anoint yourself, put on your best garment..."

This small part of verse 3 spoke volumes to me. I am a precious daughter of the Most High and He is speaking through Naomi's instructions to Ruth; therefore, providing all of His precious daughters with instructions. You see, Ruth is just about to make her to way into the arms of her mighty Boaz (and I am not just saying that; his name really means strength in Hebrew).

Just as Ruth washes herself, anoints herself, and puts on her best garments for her man, so are we! We are to look our best at ALL times. Why? Well 1.) we should always want look our best for our Savior, our first true love, Jesus Christ and 2.) we never know when our Boaz is watching or coming into the picture. This verse led me to look at all of Ruth's actions beforehand, which even then she presented herself as a beautiful hard-worker when Boaz first saw her in his field.
Ladies, always look your best. Wash yourself, clothe yourself with the Holy word of the Lord, anoint yourself physically with oil, be in prayer always, and put on your best garments because you never know when your Boaz is coming or if he is already watching. More importantly, look best for your first love! God gives us His best, so let's give Him our best :)
I encourage you to read Ruth and learn from her beautiful traits. They led me to be ready always, and it just so happened that my Boaz was watching me.
Guys, I encourage you to look at the man Boaz was to Ruth as you watch and pursue. Also, always tell your lady she is beautiful. Always aim to point her to the word of God, and encourage her to clothe herself with it. Help guide her to walk beautifully and without any insecurity before the Lord.
I am beyond blessed to have these qualities in my Boaz, Philip. And it will happen for each of the Lord's precious daughters! Simply obey His instructions :)
Clothe Yourself in Your Best Garments Today,
P.s. I have a poem for this very topic. I will have to dig-it-up, clean-it-up, and then post it later :)