The True Editor
I have had the honor of working on Rod's first book, Problems with the Righteousness of God for the last 4-5 months. I am the editor of this first edition (and will hopefully be the editor of the second too :)) But, as I have reflected upon it, a revelation of sorts surfaced. We shall get to that "revelation" in a bit, but I wanted to let you all know that I have placed a hold on my own collection as I have been working on Rod's amazing first book. It has been such a privilege to work on this and I look forward to jumping back into my collection in the near future. Until then, I feel led to publish a few other things before I publish my own first work (fyi).
So back to this "revelation" ;) As I look back on this process, I see that it is quite a process. Creating a published work from the ground up takes a lot of time, effort, money, talent, and communication.
You are focused on this one piece of work--written work. You read and re-read over and over again. You make changes. You mold it. You give it a face lift. You put your touch on it. You make sure it is cited correctly. You print a proof. You re-read for the 100th time. And then you re-read again. Yet, no matter how many times you read it, no matter how many people you have look at it, and no matter how much money you put into it, there will always be a little error here or there that wasn't caught. It will never be perfect. The Author allows for the Editor to step in and admit the work's faults and take the blame for it. The Editor covers it and fixes it.
You following along?
I don't have much to say on this other than I have realized how the Author of our lives (aka God) has allowed for the the True Editor (aka Jesus Christ) to step in and cover our lives--our story. He took the blame for our errors and only He can fix them :)
I am so thankful for the True Editor!
With that said, I would like to introduce Roderick Barnes' first book, Problems with the Righteousness of God --soon to be released on and by the end of October! Check out the awesome cover below :) Spread the Word and then spread the word on Rod's book ;)
What's the book all about? Read an excerpt from the preface written by Rod himself below the cover!
"This book, taken from a series done over chapters 9 and 10 of Romans, has two aims: (1) It seeks to engage the nonbeliever with answers to questions about the trustworthiness of God’s salvation program, and (2) it seeks to equip the Jesus follower for serving the Lord Jesus as a capable witness and defender of the faith (2 Timothy 2:15; 1 Peter 3:13-15)."
In His grip by His grace for His glory,
Roderick L. Barnes, Sr.
Teaching Pastor
Alamo Stone Church
San Antonio, Texas
Teaching Pastor
Alamo Stone Church
San Antonio, Texas
Let the True Editor Cover You Today,