The Betrothal
Greetings! Greetings! Oh happy day!
Sunday, December 5th, 2010 Philip Andrew Canant asked me, Erica Nicole Rodriguez to be his wife!!!!!
How? What? Where? When?
Sunday morning, I woke up feeling a little sick actually. I met-up with my dear friend, Amanda for breakfast at Mimi's cafe to catch-up and then asked her to help me pick out a new pair of boots. Why? Because Philip was planning a special surpr
ise date day. Now, some would think that this would give the proposal away, but no sir it didn't! You see, every single date Philip and I have gone on (onc
e per week at least) has been a surprise. Everything is a surprise. I never know what we are doing or where we are going. In fact, he will usually tell me a couple of hours prior to the date how I should dress. Crazy right, ladies?!
Well, the time came for me to get dressed for our special d
ate day. He picked me up and we looked adorable in our matching attire and my new red Madden boots :) We jetted off on our adventure. First, he took me downtown to the River walk. We strolled the river, hand-in-hand and took lots of pictures. Sneakingly, he took pictures of me near the water fall area and pictures of that specific area. I had no idea why, why? Because P
hilip always takes pictures of me! Everywhere and anytime
! So in all honestly, nothing gave this away because he is like this to me all of the time--which is such a blessing!
Afterward, we skipped on over to Mosaic (a church service held in a club on the river walk-way cool). Service was wonderful! We then left a little early because I figured he was taking us to dinner :) I was right about that!
We drove over to the Melting Pot and I leapt with joy! I remember telling Philip in the very beginning of our courtship that I wanted to go to the Melting Pot. I had never been there and I was just elated to be there and with the man of my dreams at that!
We indulged in the best meal I have yet to have a restaura
nt. I even tried lobster tail for the first time and fell in love!!!
(Sorry Dr. Ruben, I know you call them the ocean's cockroaches)
We spent about 2 hours there and then Philip told the waiter that we had to leave within 15 minutes. I was like wha?? It was already about 10PM and I was thinking, "What else could he have planned?"
Before I knew it, we were hittin' the road back toward d
owntown San Antonio. We parked by the river walk and sped down the steps. He led me to the sa
me waterfall area, turned around quickly, threw his hands in the air, and shouted my name. I had no idea what was going on and I was a little freaked! I looked to my right across the river and saw Jenn and a few other people walking out from behind a wall, taking pictures (turns out they announced that Philip was going to propose to me af
ter Mosaic). Before I knew it, our friend Emmanuel came out from behind the bushes record
ing us. Philip spilled his guts about how he felt about m
e, pulled out a ring, and got on his knee. It was all a blur. I am
so thankful for the video because I would not have remembered a thing he spoke to me that night. I jumped up and down and screamed yes with tear
s pouring from my eyes.
We were betrothed.

I am in complete shock and awe. My feet have yet to come down to earth. But today, today I have been thinking back on the Isaac and Rebekah love story. I feel it, I understand it. I can see Philip in the field, before his Heavenly Father, praying and waiting for his wife. I can feel the Holy Spirit guiding me toward the field. I see Philip look up and see me, his wife before him. He has run to me and he has asked me to be his. (Genesis 24)
Wednesday the Lord gave final peace to Philip propose that weekend, Thursday he drove to Georgetown and asked my father for permission, Friday he bought the ring, and Sunday he put the ring on the finger!
My prayer is for this engagement to be a time of deeper spiritual intimacy, a time for Your hand to guide us into marriage, in Your time. May our future marriage be such an example of Jesus Christ and His bride, the church. May it all bring nothing but glory unto Your name.
God is so good! I never thought I would romanced by Him the way I have been over the last 6 months. I have experienced more of God's love and plan for my life. And I have received the promise. God never lies. God has a time and plan (Jeremiah 29:11).
Let Him take you, let Him bring you peace, let Him test your patience, let Him, let Him, let Him. Because ladies and gents, when you let Him take the pen, He will write the most unimaginable love story.

Betrothed on December 5, 2010
Let Him Write Your Love Story Today,
Erica (soon-to-be Mrs. Canant)