A New Year With No Limits

Happy Two Thousand and Twelve!

2011 has come and gone, and it has definitely been one of the best year's yet for me! I am blessed to look back on an entire year and say that it was truly good and filled with God's love, presence, and peace. 2011 marked the year of marrying my best friend (Philip), receiving healing in my back, publishing my first faith-based book (Slip Away), and walking through discipleship with 3 beautiful ladies of God (one just got married this past weekend--yay Karla!). But most importantly, it marked another year of growing closer to God through my Savior, my Healer, my very Best Friend--Jesus Christ. Now, 2012 on the other hand hasn't started off the best, and there is a reason why... It has everything to do with limits, but I will get to that in just a bit :)

Though the 2011 year was beautiful, it wasn't completely perfect. Relationships with close friends and leaders came to a close. I ended my job in faith, and we were stretched to one income (but God provides!). And, my family and I experienced a separation in our relationship with my brother (prayers for my family please as we believe for the day of restoration). Through hardships, hazy times, and hold ups, God always proved to be faithful in the end.

And through all of those trials, and the many more that occurred, I can look back and truly say that every decision was made in faith and God's leading. For those who are no longer apart of my life, they know that I have no judgement against them; they know that I love them. If there is anything I have learned last year in my quiet time, it was that Jesus never turned anyone away, but showed love in a way that promoted change; His love affirms people without condoning what they do. We love everyone, and harbor no bitterness or hurt, but believe for restoration and healing in every relationship that experienced separation in 2011.

I have also learned that God provides even when you see the empty numbers in the bank account. He is not a God of "just enough", but He is a God that overflows us with provision, blessings, and love. He has proven to take care of Philip and I time and time again in our first year of marriage.

Onward to 2012! Earlier I mentioned that it hasn't started off the best and that is due to limitations I placed on just about everything. This last week, Philip and I along with Dream Center San Antonio staff, leaders, and volunteers were able to take a trip to Los Angeles to visit and serve at the Los Angeles Dream Center thanks to the amazing Southwest Airlines whom we won 40 roundtrip tickets from! I am so humbled to have been able to write-up a short article on what we do here in San Antonio and win this neat contest. Southwest is a wonderful airline who gives back oh-so-much!  Fly Southwest!

But before we went on this trip, we were being attacked left and right. We started off the new year partaking in the Daniel Fast with thousands of our brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world; and so of course, attacks came. I began to limit God so very much through what I saw, believed, and spoke over our lives. I was allowing for myself to take things personally and become hurt by those I serve with, and I was beginning to question where God had us planted. Now as much as I knew that some of it was an attack, I now know that it is something that I had to go through in order to be stretched to where I am at now.

How did I come to realize the limitations I was placing on everything? Well, we went in faith, even for just 2 days to L.A. with our team and God shook us! We were able to see some of the most beautiful sights in California, but most importantly, we were able to visit the Los Angeles Dream Center for a full day and glean so much wisdom from them as well as capture vision. Thursday evening, we were also able to attend the historic Angelus Temple for service with the Dream Center, and we had the incredible honor of being prayed over by Pastor Matthew Barnett. That night, they had a guest speaker, Pastor Jurgen Matthesius who spoke on the limits we place on God. He revealed that we limit God by the following:

1.) What we see - God had to change Abraham's vision before He could change what was in Sarah's womb (Genesis 15)

2.) What we believe - Whether I believe I can or can't, I am ultimately right. Most Christians believe that God is a "just enough God" and we have been told that He is a "need" God and not a "want" God. These are untrue. Need is impotent; it must progress into a want!

3.) What we speak - Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). The original purpose of speech is not communication but creation (Gen 1:2).

That evening changed our lives and I truly believe, set a new start for 2012. I have asked God to forgive me for the limits I have placed on Him, on others, and on Philip and I. He is God of the universe! Who am I to place any kind of limit on Him or what He can do through others? I highly encourage that you go and listen/watch this amazing sermon!

Follow the link for the full sermon: Pastor Jurgen Matthesius  - "Unlimited" 

I am truly ready for a new year without any limits. I see God's goodness prevailing; I believe He will overcome all, bless us, love us, and show us the path He wants for us; and I speak nothing but life and His word over our lives.

I truly believe in what we are doing at Dream Center San Antonio, and I encourage everyone to get involved. Our city has so many needs--help us meet them. Our city has so many hurts--help us heal them. I am so blessed to be a part of this team (I truly love you all and love serving with you all), and I am so excited for what is to come this year! Let's stay faithful and we will see just how unlimited our God is!

Live Unlimited This Year,
