17 Weeks & Counting...

This last couple of weeks have flown by! I cannot believe that I am 17 weeks preggers already! That means the half-way mark is not too far away! Yowzers! There are many things to prepare for Baby C’s arrival, but I know it will all come together.

I am so thankful for how this second trimester has been so far. It has been smooth sailing, with a few sick episodes here and there, but nothing too bad compared to the first few months. I am also excited to announce that I have been feeling Baby C’s little movements! They feel flutter-like and also like popcorn popping inside my belly. It is the strangest yet most amazing experience to actually feel life move within me. God has also been displaying His love and existence in a whole new way to me throughout this pregnancy, especially now as I’m feeling the baby's movements.

It boggles my mind how so many people, particularly women who have experienced pregnancy, still don’t believe in an all-mighty Creator. God has become so much more evident to me throughout this miraculous time. Just as the verse we picked above states, He truly knows every single one of us before we’re formed in the womb. He breathed life into us. His wondrous creation allows for a woman to conceive, grow, and birth a human into this world! God’s hand is just all over it! I know there are many women who have faced miscarriages, or the passing of their baby during birth or after, and my heart breaks for those who’ve endured that pain; but God, even in those situations, still proves that He had a plan for that baby’s life (and the parents), still making it a complete miracle.  As the concern for possible complications has dwindled now that I am in the second trimester, I still know that God has everything in His hand and that whatever happens, He will always get the praise and glory. Philip and I speak life and great health over my womb and this baby daily, and I just thank God for His creation, for His plan, and how He shows His love for me through pregnancy.

Looking forward, we are also so very excited to find out this month if we are having a boy or a girl! In just a few weeks, we will know what gender Baby C is! Philip and I love to get competitive with one another, so we're definitely making the gender guessing as competitive as possible! So, which team are you on? Team Boy or Team Girl? Cast your vote on what gender you think Baby C is by commenting below. We will be posting the gender after our gender reveal party on June 2nd, along with many pictures for you folks!

Counting down the days,

Erica and Baby C