Introducing Emarosa Joy!

Weighing in at an astounding 7 lbs 13 oz and a whopping 21 ½ inches long… we present to you, Emarosa Joy! Our little bundle of cuteness arrived on October 17, 2012--only 7 days late! Hehe :)

Now, I know most of you want to see pictures of all the excitement, so here they are; and for the rest of you who want to know the gory details, our full birth story will be posted in the next day or so! I am actually really excited to share it. Now, the full birth story was supposed to be in this blog but it is taking me a long time to compile because it's kind of hard to sit and write (or do anything for myself these days) with a newborn and all…I know, I know welcome to motherhood Erica! And I absolutely love it! I feel pretty complete these days. God is so good!

Oh and sorry for not blogging for the last 2 months too. Let’s just say the last 2 months of my pregnancy were tough as nails and I knew I wanted to wait to write until afterwards. As stated two blogs before, the gift of suffering was at work yet again :) So thank you to my faithful followers for waiting patiently for this one and the next coming one.

Now, here’s a little joy for your day…