Newborn Photo Cuteness Overload!
Happy Thanksgiving!
This Thanksgiving, Philip and I are incredibly thankful for so much--for God and His pure faithfulness and goodness, for our amazing family and friends, and especially for the little big miracle we received. Thank you Father for sweet and joyful Emarosa. We continue to lift her up to You and ask for Your wisdom and guidance in raising and caring for her.
Now, we are no photographers, but Philip and I took a shot at both shooting and editing our little Emmy's newborn photos. I think we did a pretty good job for amateurs! It is becoming a little love of ours now :)
It's easy for you to take your own too. First, go Pinterest crazy! I gathered ideas on Pinterest before she was born and knew exactly what I wanted.Then, if you have one or can borrow one (we borrowed my amazing friend Karla's; thank you Tia Karla!) use a DSLR camera. And then, get the lighting just right (you'll have to play around with each shot). Lastly, have fun! These were taken over the span of a week because it was whenever we got a calm and/or sleepy baby to do so! With baby photography, patience is definitely needed. I wasn't the greatest with it, so thanks babe for all you did and for dealing with not one fussy baby, but two ;)
Now that you all are mostly likely stuffed with turkey, it's time to get stuffed with some Emmy cuteness. Enjoy!
With Thanksgiving,
Erica and Emarosa Joy