The Truth About "The Glow"...
I'm 38 weeks pregnant. That's 266 days pregnant (give or take a few days, probably give in my case). For the past 266 days, my body has been growing a precious little miracle—supplying nutrients, vitamins, water, hormones and the list goes on. And, well, I've been told time and time again that I have "the glow"... What does that even mean?! And after sharing the hilarious, "Pregnancy Sucks" clip from What to Expect When You're Expecting, I was inspired to write about it.
Well, the time has come for me to finally do this kind of post on pregnancy. I'm ready to let more of my sarcastic hair down in my blog. Haha, so here's the truth y'all...
What glow?
The red glow on my face when I'm constipated because this baby is squishing all of my internal organs together? The furious glow I get when I want to punch annoying people in the face who tell me I look well-done, further along, like I'm having twins, ready to pop, or the ones who don't give up their chair for me while my cankles also give off a popping-tub-of-biscuits-glow? The glow that shines on my face from my phone or iPad while I lye awake reading or pinning all night because I can't sleep due to insomnia, heartburn, restless leg syndrome and so forth? The glistening glow I perspire on my face and elsewhere because I am hot and sweaty all of the time? The freckled glow I get after tossing my cookies? And don't even get me started on when my husband mentions "the glow" with that twinkle in his eye...There's a million glows I can list ;) Well, which one is it folks? Hahahaha oh man...
I've learned to just laugh it off, for the most part. There's also much more I can complain about. And I know, I know...there's a lot of backlash I can get from women who would give anything to be able to experience pregnancy. I'm not saying I would take it back at all. It is absolutely beautiful. It is a miracle. And I would joyfully go through all of this again and again and probably will 1-2 more times haha! I just have to have some venting time and real talk, because IT IS HARD. Creating a human being is freaking hard. Your body is literally working 24/7 to nourish and form LIFE from within. Not to mention, my body is doing all of this whilst caring for a toddler. BUT I love it! I'm supposed to say that, right? Haha I do y'all...
And I know what people mean when they say that I have "the glow". There's just something about forming LIFE from within that does produce the most joyful and beautiful glow on every woman IF they let it show. I'm so thankful for this time. I only have a little over 1 week to go because dun...nuh...nuh...we are inducing on June 1st/2nd (specific date pending my unusually high cervix). I see the light at the end of the tunnel baby!
Until then, let the glowing continue!