Far More Than You Could Ever Imagine...
God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Glory to God in the church! Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus! Glory down all the generations! Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes! (Ephesians 3:20-21 MSG)
It's been a little over 3 weeks since we've moved and we couldn't be happier. There have been so many confirmations after the fact, there's no doubt in our minds that we followed God's leading in this. I've never seen my husband so excited about work before. He's getting to do amazing things. He's so happy. I've never seen Emarosa so happy. She's absolutely elated to be here, with my family, experiencing new things. And little Eliana is just growing so fast, 4 months old already! And me, well, my hubby would say he's never seen me so happy, relieved and more myself. God is extremely good.
I've learned a lot through this change. Before we moved, some would comment things like, "a happy wife, happy life." Well, it's more like "a happy family, a happy life." This move was ultimately up to my husband and we are ALL so very happy he followed the Lord's leading in it.
You see, it's so much easier to sit still, to not move. That's the cop out. That's the comfortable thing to do. But moving, whether literally or not, is so much harder. Change is work, uncomfortable, and scary. The hardest part is the first step. After that, you know without a doubt that it was the right thing to do. You start to see the beauty in moving and change.
I've never been the biggest dreamer, but now that I'm in a different season of life—having children and starting fresh here, I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming of the amazing things Philip and I are going to do for God's kingdom. I'm dreaming of the incredible things my children will do.
Moving and dreaming. It's been my life lately and I'm so very excited.
I'm also seeing it in a lot of people close to me, including one of my best friends—the one-and-only, Jenn Garcia. Jenn is sweet, kind, patient, gentle, real, and oh-so-talented. She is getting ready for the biggest move of her life. She's been dreaming big folks and I'm so very proud of her. She's going on the greatest adventure, down under to Hillsong College in Australia.
And in honor of my first blog post from our new home, I want to dedicate it to her. I want to also raise awareness and give you all a chance to sponsor her. What better way to get started on your very own dreams than to help someone in fulfilling their own? I know she'll inspire you as she has inspired me.
Ephesians 3 was chosen for this post because it's powerful in it's stance on dreaming big. I encourage you to read the entire chapter. But the part I chose, I chose because it describes how awesome our God is. He CAN DO ANYTHING. He wants us to live out our dreams, to live BIG. So, here's to you Jenn for living BIG, for following your dreams.
So, check out her website JennsSong.com and read her story. Watch her video and click that donate button! You know you want to ;)
And as Areosmith so profoundly put it, DREAM ON.
Xoxo, Erica