Hurt don't cost a thing...

Today I began the 40 day Maker's Diet challenge. In a nutshell, it is the Biblical diet--eating how they did in Biblical times. It is going to be tough, but in day one, it has already been so rewarding. I definitely want to keep you up-to-date on how this lifestyle change goes, but even more so, I want to fill you in on what I am being shown through it and not the physical outcomes from it.

As I spent time with God today, the word hurt surfaced. And with this, hurtful memories began to flood my mind. Why? I didn't know at first because I am the type of person that does not concentrate on bad memories. I choose to place my mind on things above (Colossians 3:2) and on joyful memories. But then God revealed something so beautiful to me--hurt costs absolutely nothing, nada. In fact, we asked for hurt back in the garden (Genesis 1-3). But love, sweet sweet love, it cost His life (Romans 5:8). He loves us so much that He gave so much (John 3:16), yet we have to pay nothing. Love is paid in full by Jesus and all we have to do is accept. He wanted me to see that though I have hurt so much health-wise, been hurt so much in past relationships, hurt by my family at times, and even hurt by my own actions, that He still wants the best for me. I spent time with one of my mentees today and we went through John chapter 2 where Jesus turns water into wine. I sat there and shared with her about how through Christ, we dirty-water-filled-pots can be filled with the purest and best wine. I told her about how Christ wants the best for us so much that He gave His life, paying the price in full so that we may be full with the best of the best! Is there any better news than that? God revealed to me through that conversation that as I enter into this new lifestyle regarding my food intake and exercise plan, that He wants the best for my body, my temple. But not only that, He wants the best for me all around. He loves me so much that He gave. He loves you so much that He gave. He just wants us to accept and follow Him; therefore, allowing for the provision of the best and purest wine.
A lot of great and wonderful things are at a beginning in my life right now, so I thought I would yield and reflect on what I have learned in the past 2 years. See, 2 years ago I thought I knew what love was, but I didn't. And I thought I knew what sacrifice was, but I didn't. Hurt didn't cost me a thing 2 years ago; it still doesn't cost me anything today, but the difference is that I chose true love, accepted His grace and walked the new path He had already paved for me.
HIS wounds healed me, HIS blood quenched my thirst, and HIS arms carried me to a table where I didn't belong.
I chose to rejoice and be glad in all things (Psalm 118:24). No more hurt.
Below is a poem I wrote 2 years ago. See for yourself the transformation that His love can do.

Beneath the Bare and Broken Smile,

Broken sidewalks

carry me

everything around me is fractured

because I have been crying out

for you for too long now

Believe me

i’ve been trying

to let you go

but this splintered heart is keeping my mind

from releasing your name

And your face is shattered

in my mind

disoriented with question marks

sometimes awakening me

in my sleep

Beneath these cracks fire blazes

burning away at my






when I hurt over you

Let His Love Lavish Upon You Today,
