I Am Rich Indeed

"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich." -II Corinthians 8:9 NKJV It's so easy to get caught up in our day-to-day, situations, and circumstances. I've been in that very spot lately—where I think things just can't get any harder. I've felt discouraged and dissapointed. I've felt poor in spirit and well...literally too haha!

But through the tough times, through sickness, through battles, though emotions...I've come to truly know that I am RICH. Rich with grace, rich with mercy, rich with peace, rich with love, rich with Him. 

PERSPECTIVE—perspective changes everything. It shapes our attitude, our reactions, our responses, our thought process...it affects everything. I've challenged my perspective lately and have changed it. 

When we stop and change our perspective to a God-perspective, everything becomes clearer, simpler, and it puts our spirits at rest and ease. Nothing seems too big for Him when I change my perspective. Nothing seems too impossible. 

I'm dreaming a lot these days—hoping, waiting on Him, and believing for better days. But whilst I hope, dream and pray, let me not forget how rich I already am in Him. If I change my perspective and live in the now, fully for Him, I'll look back and see that I truly did remain in the joy He's given me. I'll realize I trusted Him with all things. I don't want to wallow in self pity to the dream, I want to faithfully walk the path He's given me to it.  My life is rich. Just look at these 2!

I challenge you to change your perspective to a God one today and realize the richness you have in Christ Jesus. Your life will change beautifully if you do :) 

Your rich friend haha,  Erica