It's a...

I know it's been a while y'all! This season has been an interesting one. I'm going on 6 months pregnant—crazy huh?! And we have been battling allergies, little Emmy came down with croup and a virus, and with the holidays...those are my excuses yo for not posting ;) I'm so excited though to start sharing more of my pregnancy #2 diaries, life with a baby/toddler, and so much more! To start it off, let me reveal what we are having :) Baby C #2 is...


Now, she was curled up and sleeping during our ultrasound and the tech said he was 75% sure haha. So, we'll definitely re-confirm it soon :) My awesome friend, Janay Garcia of HeavenLeigh Frames took our gender reveal photos right after the ultrasound to capture our joy and so we could announce it ASAP. She's an amazing photographer! Check her out on Facebook and her blog,

We were ecstatic though when we found out this second baby is another girl. Emarosa Joy has been just that, an enormous joy in our lives. She's been the most precious princess. And to have another one, is just such a huge blessing!

With Emmy, I also truly now know what to soak up—every moment. I can't wait to do it all over again! Breast feeding, newborn clothes, sweet firsts, and even the late nights...yes I'm looking forward to it all! Don't call me crazy y'all ;) I've learned that every moment, the good and the bad are blessings. Why? Because I have children. It's a miracle and I don't want to take any of it for granted. It's a tough job, the toughest I'd dare say. It's most definitely not for the faint of heart, but it's so beautiful and the greatest joy.

We chose to name our next little lady, Eliana Hope. This beautiful and unique name means, "God has answered Hope". For where we are at in our marriage, the hard things we are walking out of...we truly believe this second child is an answer of hope from God. A dear friend and fellow mommy told me something that I couldn't agree with more—God CAN use children to help heal a marriage, help make it stronger. I totally agree because Elly (her cute nickname) has already brought Philip and I so much closer. We choose to look at every miracle, big and small as God sharing his hopes and plans for us. Elly is no exception. She is already playing a big part in refueling joy, hope, and love in the middle of our marriage. Having children makes you communicate more, work together more, and so forth. And while they aren't EVERYTHING; again, they play a vital part in it. God is good! And he has answered! I will continue to share more in the coming weeks too on what other Philip and I are doing to strengthen our marriage including a new marriage book we have started, date nights, and more :) I hope to encourage and help others walk through the hard crud. There's no such thing as a fairy tale, and I never ever want to only share the good stuff. There ya have it folks!

With all of that, here's our gender reveal photos! Enjoy :)




Continuing in hope,
